Пятница, 03.05.24, 21:09
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The green grass grew all around - детские песни на английском

Цвет фона: Шрифт:

Материал № 5781

Детские песни на английском

The green grass grew all around   

There once was a tree
(There once was a tree)
A pretty little tree
(A pretty little tree)
The prettiest little tree
(The prettiest little tree)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this tree
(Now on this tree)
There was a limb
(There was a limb)
The prettiest little limb
(The prettiest little limb)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the limb on the tree,
A and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this limb
(Now on this limb)
There was a branch
(There was a branch)
The prettiest little branch
(The prettiest little branch)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this branch
(Now on this branch)
There was a bough
(There was a bough)
The prettiest little bough
(The prettiest little bough)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this bough
(Now on this bough)
There was a twig
(There was a twig)
The prettiest little twig
(The prettiest little twig)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the twig on the bough,
And the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this twig
(Now on this twig)
There was a leaf
(There was a leaf)
The prettiest little leaf
(The prettiest little leaf)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the bough,
And the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this leaf
(Now on this leaf)
There was a nest
(There was a nest)
The prettiest little nest
(The prettiest little nest)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the nest on the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the bough,
And the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now in this nest
(Now in this nest)
There was a bird
(There was a bird)
The prettiest little bird
(The prettiest little bird)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the bird in the nest,
And the nest on the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the bough,
And the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this bird
(Now in this bird)
There was a feather
(There was a feather)
The prettiest little feather
(The prettiest little feather)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the nest,
And the nest on the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the bough,
And the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around

Now on this feather
(Now in this feather)
There was a flea
(There was a flea)
The prettiest little flea
(The prettiest little flea)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)

Oh, the flea on the feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird in the nest,
And the nest on the leaf,
And the leaf on the twig,
And the twig on the bough,
And the bough on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
and the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around, all around
And the green grass grew all around.
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 детские песни на английском -  детский портал "anstars.ru"
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Более 1000 сценариев и сценок!!!
категории всех сценариев: Новый год Рождество День св. Валентина 23 февраля 8 марта Пасха Масленица 1 апреля 9 мая вечер старшеклассников Последний звонок Выпускной вечер 1 сентября Школа День учителя День рождения Детский праздник Юбилей КВН Студенты Свадьба Православные Хэллоуин Для взрослых Разные


Детский портал - песни на английском - The green grass grew all around - детские песни на английском

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              Новый год
              День св. Валентина
              23 февраля
              8 марта
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              9 мая
              вечер старшеклассников
              Последний звонок
              Выпускной вечер
              1 сентября
              День учителя
              День рождения
              Детский праздник


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По результатам голосования


Примите активное участие на форуме !!!


В школе идут уроки. Вовочка угрюмый бродит по коридору. Его замечает директор, подходит к нему и спрашивает:
- Вовочка, ты почему не на уроке?
- Не вижу логики!
- А что случилось?
- Сидел я на уроке и нечаянно пукнул. Меня выгнали из класса,а весь класс нюхать оставили. Не вижу логики!

Учитель спрашивает маленького Вовочку:
- Твой пиджак из чего сделан?
- Из сукна.
- Верно; а сукно из чего выделывается?
- Из шерсти!
- Молодец! А шерсть кто нам дает?
- Овцы.
- Умница! Значит, какое животное дало тебе пиджак?
- Папа.


Древние цивилизации
Древние евреи и Ветхий Завет
На каком европейском языке был сделан первый перевод Ветхого Завета Библии в 3—2 вв. до н. э. и написан Новый Завет в 1—2 вв. н.э.?
ОтветНа греческом языке (благодаря переводу на этот язык христианство распространилось по миру).

Древние цивилизации
Византийский праздник Врумалии справляли в течение 24 дней, причем каждый византиец отмечал только один день праздника. Если бы А. С. Пушкин был византийцем, то отмечал бы первый день праздника, Б. Н. Ельцин — второй. А сколько бы дней такого праздника отмечалось в современной Англии?
Ответ26 (по количеству букв алфавита).


Если ты его отточишь — нарисуешь все, что хочешь! солнце, море, горы, пляж. что же это?

Я фигурка небольшая, точка подо мной большая. коль спросить что соберешься, без меня не обойдешься.
ОтветВопросительный знак.

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